Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Holidays in the States

I've almost been back in Nica for two weeks now post the holidays in the U.S.  It was amazing to see many of you and catch up in person!  What a concept!  A whole two and a half weeks flew by way too fast!  I made some great memories to take back with me to Nica.

I indulged in way too much food and wine, returning to Nica a whole five pounds heavier, I know sick right after just two and a half weeks?  It was amazing to be able to cook exactly what I wanted and supplement with Trader Joes!  Oh how I missed the!  I have some great memories of Christmas Day, walking Winterhaven Seven falls hike the day after Christmas, skiing Mount Lemon, going shooting with my bro and dad, my cousin Karly's wedding and much more.

Wedding photo- Mitchells and Williams

Seven Falls Team

Skiing Mount Lemon

As I reentered Nicaragua I had flashbacks of the day we arrived in country and how everything was a blur and so much was unknown.  Returning in to Managua at 9 pm at night was much less eventful and far less stressful.  Everything seemed familiar and just down right normal.  I also shared a flight with the yoga instructor from Coco Loco where I spend most of my weekends surfing.  It was great to already have seen a friendly face before ever leaving the airport in Houston.  Moises, a Peace Corps taxi driver, picked me up from the airport with his entire family in the car, which was a real treat ha ha.  I bedded up at the all too familiar Hotel Brandt next to the Peace Corps office where I ran in to seven of my guy friends.  The next day I was off to meet one of my closest friends in San Juan del Sur for a few days of surfing.  While there I was in search of a better surf board as mine is a beater, but no such luck unfortunately.  But I did have a great time surfing Maderas beach and discovered Buena Vista Surf Club. Which Charlene and Derek are going to love when they come visit in March/April!

The first week back was a bit slow, but I managed to keep busy with end of the year reporting and community analysis.  Our first several months in our sites is dedicated to analyzing and taking in all the information that we possibly can to better understand our surroundings.  I have attached my community analysis to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.  It's rather lengthly, but some of you may find it interesting.  Actually just email me and I'll send it to you if you're interested!

Also on the work front I've started to advise a small jewelry business owner out by Coco Loco who supplies all the resorts in the area.  Her stuff is all made from local coconut shell, seashells from the beach and wood.  Of course she has to supplement other materials, but her stuff is interesting.  I can always take orders!  Kid's Club at Coco Loco continues to take place twice a week where I help with the poor local kids in the community.  Last week it was someone's birthday so we had a Piñata, holy cow I forgot how much fun those guys were.  I really wish I had some footage of these kids age 8-14 going ballistic!

Gotten some serious surf time in up at Coco Loco and hit a more advanced surf break that was way over my head.  I think I've mentioned that the surf pro Holly Beck lives out where I surf so its nice to head out when she is working with her women's surf camps and pick up pointers.  Today she got me on film and we were able to take a look at my "pop-up" and what I can do better, which is really valuable advice.
Thought I'd feature Holly's mad skills surfing a break up by me called the boom just for fun!  Holly Beck surfing Chinandega, Nicaragua

Shout out to my friend Julia who was so amazing to send me a 5 pound package for my birthday!  Happy Birthday Annie!  Miss you boo!

1 comment:

  1. Love the video, Holly has a dog that could be Bella's twin! (: I can't wait to go to Poco Loco with you.
